How to save money on organic baby food.

Homemade organic baby food is fresh, healthy, tastes better than jarred and cuts down on packaging waste. You can make excellent organic baby food, even on a budget. Making your own baby food is so easy, plus you'll know exactly what you're feeding your baby because you made it yourself.
Baby food is essentially steamed, baked, cooked or blended foods - That’s it! The key to making the process quick and painless is batching the food prep rather than making it every. single. time. Pick one day a week to devote one hour or less to cooking his/her favouqarite foods for the upcoming week.
Saves your money
A 170g jar of organic sweet potato baby food is about NZ$2.20 at your local supermarket in Napier. If you get two meals per jar, the cost per meal is NZ$1.10. One organic sweet potato at Chantal Local Organic shop about NZ$8.60 per Kg ( around 300-450 g each ) today 4/6/2019 and can make anywhere from 4 to 7 servings. That is a per serving cost of about only 85 cents.
At 3 servings a day, 365 days a year, that is a lot of savings.
Environmentally Friendly
Out of sight out of mind, but everything we throw away must go somewhere. Cutting down on disposable packaging is essential for saving our environment. Homemade organic baby food is up there on the list of powerful little things we can do to help ensure a better future for the next generation.
More Nutrition
Store bought baby food alternatives often have additives and extras to extend their shelf life. Opting for made at home organic baby food ensures finger-licking goodness powered by mother nature.