Why is Hemp clothing so expensive ?

Why is Hemp clothing so expensive ?
The price of hemp clothing helps to keep the price up. Many people still won’t buy hemp clothing because it typically comes with a high price point, but if we could convince more people to buy the price would gradually start to come down.
The more a product is demanded by the consumer, the more companies rise to bring supply to the people. Essentially, when the total output of a product is increased, economies of scale means that the price per unit will decrease. You can see how these concepts are highly interconnected when it comes to your hemp clothing.
If we can drive up enough demand for hemp clothes, companies will start producing hemp clothing at a higher overall output. This, in turn, will start to take the cost per unit of your hemp clothing down and you’ll start to save some extra dough for your Eco-friendly budget.
How to Bring Down the Cost of Hemp Clothes ?
In short, bringing down the price of hemp clothing starts with you but this will only work if we’re all 100% on board. If we can get more people buying hemp clothing we’ll begin to drum up awareness for this magical crop. In turn, this awareness will create even more demand and suppliers will have to step up their game to meet the demand.
This will continue until hemp becomes as mass-produced as cotton and it will bring down the price of hemp dramatically. We believe hemp has the potential to actually be cheaper than cotton if we could create the same demand for hemp that there is now for cotton. Hemp grows faster than cotton, doesn’t need pesticides or as much water, and even replenishes the soil it’s grown in.
Imagine a world where hemp clothing was actually cheaper than cotton clothing! What a world! But we'll only get there if we work together.